How We Work

Depending on your needs, we can engage in a short fixed-price evaluation or a protracted case-by-case execution engagement.
Our short term engagement is designed to give you the most value for the least amount of risk.
The result of the engagement is a playbook that shows you the top issues you need to deal with and how.
Step 1. We talk. 

You reach out to us. 
215-450-3443 (George Breen) or  We'll have a conversation on the phone to start.  You tell us what you'd like to do and what you think the problems are.  We'll let you know if we think we can help.  If so, you to decide if we move to step 2.
Step 2.  We meet. 

We have a 2 hour meeting with the exec team.  We would prefer to do this person but we can do it by phone as well.  We'll hear what the biggest challenges are from your team's perspective.  After that meeting, you'll know if you want to work with us and we'll know if we really can help.  Depending on your location, we may charge you for reasonable travel.  Until now, (and except for any agreed on travel expenses) this hasn't cost you any money - just a little time.  Even if we don't engage, having the senior team in a room discussing strategy and tactics has its own value.
Step 3.  We explore. 

If we both move forward, we'll sign an NDA and engage in a fixed-price 3 week project.  The cost is our time and any travel expenses.  You will know the total cost up front.  The engagement is comprised of 2 weeks of in-depth and confidential interviews with you and your senior team.  These are usually the same team members from Step 2 along with some of their direct reports.  This interview process is followed with a week of assessment and culminates in a presentation back to the senior team with findings and recommendations.
These results may be in-line with your thinking or it may be eye-opening.
From there you can decide the merits of the recommendations and whether you'd like us involved in a longer term engagement to address the specific issues.  Often we find that we are not the best ones to address the recommendations and we'll tell you that.  If it is in our wheel-house and you are comfortable with us, we'll discuss with you on next steps.
We are strictly a work-for-hire consultancy.  WE are not selling any products other than ourselves.  WE maintain strict confidence and we retain no intellectual property.  It all remains with you.